Wayland's Monthly was a monthly periodical published by
J. A. Wayland, Girard, Kansas. It was mainly a vehicle to tout
socialism and unionism.
Our interest is in the "Bad Boy". Of course, this is not a mischievous,
prank-loving "Bad Boy" but rather "The Inquisitive" Bad Boy. Written by
L. A. Stockwell, the 28 page article in this month's issue (December,
1900) consists of the "Bad Boy" asking his pa questions about the
government, banks, the balance of trade, etc. and his pa answering the
questions from a socialistic point of view.
Apparently Stockwell's Bad Boy also appeared in 1893 in Volume
1, Issue 3 of the Nonconformist Library. This was published by the
Nonconformist Publishing Company. This book- Stockwell's Bad Boy was
141 pages. I have not seen this book so I am unsure how it is related
to the 1900 article.
Peck's Bad Boy and most of the other Bad Boy's would be bored
by this diatribe and probably terrorize these characters. Nonetheless
here is another early Bad Boy.