The first book edition of this title was
published by Thompson and Thomas in 1905. Prior to that however, Peck's
Bad Boy Abroad was published in serialized form in numerous newspapers
throughout the country. Newspapers carried the story between 1904 and
1905. Apparently it was copyrighted and distributed by Joseph B. Bowles
who ran the Bowles Syndicate Company from his office in Chicago.
Each week a newspaper would print what eventually would be a chapter in
the book. Not all of the chapters in the book were serialized in
newspapers and the chapters in the newspaper versions were not
necessarily published in the same as order as the chapters in the book.
A few of the newspaper columns appeared in the book and a number of the
chapters in the book were never part of the newspaper serialization.
Not all of the newspapers began the publication of Peck's Bad Boy
Abroad at the same time.
The first printings were in September,1904 and those newspapers began
with book Chapter 34 (out of 38 chapters). The newspapers printed
illustrations for each chapter all of which ended up in the book
although many of the book pictures were never included in the newspaper
Here is an ad from the September 23, 1904 Washington Post:
The Pittburgh Sunday Press advertised The upcoming Peck story in these
Illustrations were done by E. S. Groesbeck and R. W. Taylor. There are
118 line drawn pictures by these artists in the 471 page first edition.
Later editions have fewer illustrations because the books have fewer
pages. There are also seven glossy pictures, mostly done by Groesback,
but some without attribution, which only appear in the first editions.
This book was published by five different publishers. For more about
the publishers click on their names.
and Thomas
C. Thomas Company
and Van Vliet Company
R. Stanton Company
McKay Company
Thompson and Thomas, Chicago (1905-1909)
Thompson and Thomas published two known hard cover editions and an
edition in wraps.
first edition has been seen with three different variations. The
earlier two books have 471 pages. The true first printing has the 338
Wabash Avenue address on the title page. The other 471 page volume just
notes Chicago under the publisher’s imprint.
The later book only has the first 379 pages.
The edition in wraps only has the first 313 pages of the hardcover
books. All of the paperback issues by all the publishers are the same
except for some color differences on the cover.
First edition- first issue (8.5 x 7)
First edition-second issue (379 pages)
Here is a salesman's sample (prospectus) for Peck's Bad Boy Abroad. The
cover and the spine are noted below. This sample is for the first
edition as it includes pages after number 379
In the back of the book is the summary page with the prices. Of note is
the mention of a Library Edition, half leather, gold stamping for
$2.25. This book has not been seen.
Found within this book is a four leaf pamphlet "Special Instructions to
our agents How to Sell Peck's Bad Boy Abroad. This is a fascinating
look into the maze modus operandi of the traveling book salesman. All
four pages of this little pamphlet are shown below.
Second edition (7.75 x 5.75)
In wraps. This copy has Thompson advertisements but a Stanton and Van
title page.
Charles C. Thompson Company, Chicago.
This publisher printed this title in one hard cover format (two issues)
and one format in wraps.
The earlier hardcover book has 379 pages whereas the later one only has
353 pages.
The paperback book has the usual 313 pages.
This wraps' copy is a Thompson and Thomas copy. Except for a few
possible color variations, it is identical to the Charles C. Thompson
Stanton and Van Vliet Company, Chicago.
This company published this title in one hardcover and one paperback
format. Both of these editions have 313 pages.
The earlier Stanton and Van Vliet books in wraps/ hardcover can be
distinguished from the later book in wraps/hardcover. The later ones
say Made in U.S.A. on the copyright page.
In wraps:
John R. Stanton Company (1920's)
This publishing house published this title in one wraps' format and one
hardcover format. The formats are identical to the Stanton and Van
Vliet Company books shown above.
David McKay, New York (ca. 1929)
McKay's Peck Series of four titles actually used the Stanton and Van
Vliet Company dust jackets. The Stanton and Van Vliet name is on the
of the spine and on the ads on the back of the jacket. The book cover
is slightly different from the Stanton and Van Vliet books however and
McKay is at the base of the spine.
It has 313 pages.
McKay did not print any Peck books in wraps.