Author Archives: gwpeck

Tattlings of a Retired Politician

1904 Thompson and Thomas format

This book was clearly a financial success. Advanced sales of thirty thousand is very impressive. Here is a sample of their solicitation for the deluxe format of this title.

I do not know if the book pictured here is the “deluxe” book or not.

Non-Peck- Bad Boy’s Diary

This little 7.25″ x 4.75″ part is the earliest publication of a section of the Bad Boy’s Diary. Note that it states Part First on the front cover. Also it has the 29 Rose Street address indicating a publication between 1879 and 1881. The last page of text indicates Part Second is about to be issued.

For more information, Bad Boy’s Diary

Hurst’s Presentation Series

Hurst’s Presentation Series was published between 1905 and 1909. A Peck Combination book which included Peck’s Uncle Ike and the Red-Headed Boy and Peck’s Red Headed Boy was part of this series. Each book in this set has six colored lithographic pictures. This title came with a dust jacket which has not been seen. The volume is crown 8 vo. (8″ x 6″) and sold for $1.00.

Sheet Music

Interestingly, this “songster” includes music and advertisements that are unrelated to Peck’s Bad Boy. No music from the Peck’s Bad Boy play is within this little booklet.

The “Bad Boy” and the “grocery man” (Schultz) are pictured on the front cover.

This piece was printed in 1908 or later based on the copyrights shown within it.